The MENHIR project is financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund

The objetive of the operational programme is “to encourage the technological development, innovation and quality research”

Promoter and Observing Institutions (POIs)

A leading construction company in Spain with international impact and present in more than 40 countries, works as project coordinator. DRAGADOS has broad experience and undoubted vocation for maritime works.

FHECOR Ingenieros Consultores is the biggest Spanish consulting specialised in structures. FHECOR has branches in Madrid, Barcelona and Seville and a local office in Dubai. Similarly, it has 50% participation in international companies. It has one R+D+I Department through which the research projects are developed, involving a wide variety of typologies and structural materials.

Mixed Applied Research Centre, with more than 20 years of experience, develops an outstanding research work, of technological transfer and education of specialists. This work has placed it in the national and international elite in the area of scientific-technological knowledge related to the “water cycle” in all its facets.

The Group GITECO is part of the Department of Transports and Technology of Projects and Processes of the University of Cantabria. Among its main lines of research of GITECO there are: development of floating foundations offshore for turbines, development of construction of offshore turbines of concrete reinforced and prestressed concrete and the design of equipment and new systems and construction processes, lines included in the proposal presented.