Experimental parking area monitored by GITECO. Parque de Las Llamas (Santander)

Construction and monitoring of pavement biodegrading, Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (Santander)

Permeation test carried out on a pavement section

Hydraulic analysis of the samples, laboratory examination

The staff of the laboratory section in GITECO is specialised in testing water quality and System Sustainable Urban Drainage

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) involve a series of design strategies and techniques to treat runoff water in urban settings in order to guarantee its quality to reuse it later in environmental uses, urban or domestic.

The SUDS Laboratory (SUDSlab) is part of the Construction Technology Applied Research Group (GITECO) of the University of Cantabria and analyses the SUDS work in the experimental settings built by the group. The analyses developed in this lab study the quantity and quality of runoff water filtered and stored in pervious pavements and with biodegradation of hydrocarbons processes, one of the main purification mechanisms.

Construction Technology Applied Research Group


GITECO, as part of its strategy to generate new services for society, has created a department of studies and consultancies to support any administration or company needing technical advice to start implementing these systems.


Join the group:

Any company, university, public administration or individual interested in taking part in this net may send information related to SUDS and/or ask for it contacting
