Experimental parking area monitored by GITECO. Parque de Las Llamas (Santander)

Construction and monitoring of pavement biodegrading, Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (Santander)

Permeation test carried out on a pavement section

Hydraulic analysis of the samples, laboratory examination

The staff of the laboratory section in GITECO is specialised in testing water quality and System Sustainable Urban Drainage


The SUDS Laboratory (SUDSlab) and the Construction Technology Applied Research Group (GITECO) contribute to educate future generations through the knowledge transfer acquired in the researchs and projects .

Following open access videos are addressed to students and professionals of the construction sector. They show main concepts concerning hydrological urban regeneration and sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)

Webinar on Sustainable Urban Drainage in KPESIC, 29 March 2017: